Dog Shedding? Reasons Why And How To Deal With The Hair


If you have a dog that constantly sheds even out of the normal time of year, there are some reasons why. For example, it could be due to their diet, pests, allergies, and more. It can also be very hard to control all that hair.

Spay or Neuter

After a female goes through a heat cycle, they typically drop their coat. You can control this if you get them spayed. Spaying or neutering your dog is very important, and is something you should have done as soon as you can. Talk to your veterinarian about the right age you should have this done.


What your dog eats can affect how much they shed. Make sure you feed them a high quality dog food that has good digestible protein sources. Talk to your vet, who can tell you the best dog food to feed your dog.

There are also vitamins that can help with shedding, such as zinc and omega 3 fatty acids that can give your pet a healthy coat and skin. Again, your veterinarian can tell you the vitamins you can give to your dog.


If your dog spends a lot of their time outdoors, the amount of sunlight they receive can lead to shedding.  Most dogs will start shedding in the spring, as the days grow longer. When there is less sunlight, and the temperatures are cooler, dogs will shed because their thick winter coat starts to grow in.

If your dog lives indoors, they do not have the sun's cues to tell their body when to shed. For this reason, they may shed year round.

Dealing With the Hair

A shedding dog can leave clumps of hair behind, as well as small amounts of hair all over your carpeting, furniture, etc. Vacuuming once a day or every few days can help keep this under control. When vacuuming, go over the carpet twice, alternating the direction.

If you have hardwood floors, you can use a microfiber dry mop, as your vacuum will blow the hair around instead of removing it.

If you have dog hair on fabric or your furniture, you can dampen rubber gloves, and then run them over the surface.

You should brush your dog once per day to help control shedding. Many dogs love this, and it can make a big difference. When you take your dog to the veterinarian to have them spayed or neutered, or for a checkup, ask them for suggestions on how to deal with hair in your home. For more information, contact a clinic such as Norwin Veterinary Hospital.


13 November 2014

Diseases in Dogs

Do you know the types of diseases that are most likely to cause death in dogs? My name is Anne, and I have owned several dogs in the my lifetime. I enjoy training, playing with, and caring for dogs of all sizes and breeds. Throughout my time as a dog owner, I have discovered that there are several illnesses that are common causes of death in dogs and that some breeds are more likely to get these diseases than other breeds. This blog will explain various common deadly diseases in dogs and give advice about how to prevent and treat these illnesses.