5 Tips for Helping Your Dog Recover from Neuter Surgery


Neutering your male dog can have many benefits. This surgery can eliminate the risk of testicular cancer and reduce behavior issues with your pooch. However, in order for your dog to fully recover from this surgery, you must watch him extra carefully and take good care of him. Here are five helpful tips for helping your dog recover from neuter surgery and be perfectly healthy.

Limit Your Dog's Activities

It is important to limit your dog's activities for two weeks after his neuter surgery. If he moves around too much, his sutures can pop open, which can result in excessive bleeding. For exercise, just take your dog on light walks until he heals up.

Do Not Bathe Your Dog

Until your dog's surgery site fully heals, you should avoid giving him baths. If you try to bathe your dog while he is still healing, bacteria can get into the surgery site and cause an infection.

Put an E-collar on Your Dog

As your dog's incisions are healing, the area can become extremely itchy. Your dog may attempt to scratch the area to feel relief. Unfortunately, this can remove his sutures. That's why it is a wise idea to have your dog wear an e-collar. It will prevent your dog from damaging the surgery site and keep him safe. Keep the e-collar on your dog when you can't supervise your dog.

Check the Incision Site Daily

While your dog is recovering, it is vital to check the incision site every day. If you notice anything abnormal, such as bleeding, excessive swelling, or discharge, you need to take your dog to see a veterinarian immediately. It's possible that your dog may have an infection or other serious issue.

Keep Him Away from Other Animals

If you have any other pets in the house, you will want to keep them away from your dog while he heals from the surgery. If they attempt to play with him or lick his wound, it can delay the healing process. If you keep your dog secluded from other animals for the next two weeks, he will have an easier recovery time.

If you follow these helpful tips, your dog can recover from his neuter surgery and be back to his normal self in no time. If you notice anything strange about his behavior, take him to the doctor as soon as possible to get checked out. A veterinarian like those at the Mt. Hermon Veterinary Clinic can also answer any questions you have about neutering your dog.


10 January 2017

Diseases in Dogs

Do you know the types of diseases that are most likely to cause death in dogs? My name is Anne, and I have owned several dogs in the my lifetime. I enjoy training, playing with, and caring for dogs of all sizes and breeds. Throughout my time as a dog owner, I have discovered that there are several illnesses that are common causes of death in dogs and that some breeds are more likely to get these diseases than other breeds. This blog will explain various common deadly diseases in dogs and give advice about how to prevent and treat these illnesses.